Ultra Edge® by weeteq
- every machine matters

Introducing Ultra Edge®

Circuit-level artificial intelligence solutions to accelerate the sustainable growth of the smart technologies and processes driving our world

weeteq’s Ultra Edge® technology flips the traditional method of data acquisition on its head. 

Instead of deploying sensors to observe the status of machines, weeteq technology accesses existing operational data, previously thought not feasible, directly from the circuits of devices.

Ultra Edge® goes beyond edge computing, performing real-time analysis from within the circuit itself – identifying anomalies before they appear in sensor data, whilst providing unsupervised, immediate performance improvement of the asset.

Machines, self-healing, in absolute real-time.

improved performance of every closed-loop control system

Want to know more?

Take a look at the short video opposite to get a high-level understanding of our technology and the business benefits of integrating Ultra Edge® technology into your facilities and solutions.

weeteq vs the traditional approach

With weeteq embedded, we don't observe the device, we are the device

Introducing Dynamic Digital Shadow

Dynamic Digital Shadow provides an accurate replication of your facility in real-time.

more info?

If you would like more information about any of the content you have seen on our site, or simply would like to speak to one of our team, please get in touch via the form opposite.

Available Resources

Ultra Edge® Product Overview

Ultra Edge® Value Proposition

The Problem with PdM

Circuit Design for PdM